Did you know?

  • The Ibbotson Memorial Field is owned by a charitable Trust (Reg. Charity No. 523724)
  • The Field is self-governing and is not the responsibility of Bradfield Parish Council
  • The Trust was set up by the Ibbotson family on March 1st 1937
  • The Field has no fixed source of income and relies on volunteers, public donations and annual contributions paid by the Associations on the Field.
  • The Trustees and representatives from each Association form the Field Management Committee (FMC)
  • The Field falls within the Peak Park Conservation Area
  • The floral boxes along the boundary wall are contributed each year by Bradfield In Bloom

Any support or donations made by the general public are always very gratefully received. Please contact the Secretary/Administrator for details on how to donate a memorial bench or offer support as a volunteer.